Secrets of Bonding
(January 11, 1918 - July 17, 1990) was an American aerospace engineer who worked on safety-critical systems for the U.S. Air Force. He is best known for his namesake Murphy's law, which states, "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Murphy regarded the law as crystallizing a key principle of defensive design, in which one should always assume worst-case scenarios. Keeping Major Murphy's principle in mind, what are the critical steps contractors can take to get their projects off on the right foot, and bring them to a successful conclusion - keeping Murphy's Law out of the equation? The first key to having a successful contract is to have a contract. It sounds obvious, but contractors are often induced to start the work, or perform change orders / additions to the contract, without an executed document in hand. Maybe the project owner is in a rush, "We need for you to start right away so we can be completed on time." FqNVB7qa WykQAwtN zjODldy5...